EVM compute on architecture that actually scales

Hyperscalable, EVM-compatible, and built on the world's only permanent storage layer

Lightweight EVM compute on Arweave

The EVM storage dilemma, solved

With WeaveVM, the world computer has a hard drive

Other EVM-compatible L1s and L2s treat storage as an afterthought, offloading valuable data to third parties and limiting contract feature set. WeaveVM relies on the world's only permanent storage network and guarantees cost-efficient data permanency at any scale.

Permanent storage

Full chain state lives on Arweave. Cost efficient for large data, no need for archival nodes

Complete compatibility

Deploy tokens, DEXs, games in a truly performant environment, without scaling headaches.

EVM & Smart blobs

Deploy any EVM or SmartWeave/MEM contract on WeaveVM


Unlock use cases previously only possible on web2

Standard RPC

Interoperable with the entire EVM tooling ecosystem

Built on reth

WeaveVM is fully EVM native and built on a battle-tested basis

Latest Blog Posts

The WeaveVM testnet: EVM compatibility, and SmartWeave in blobspace

The WeaveVM testnet: EVM compatibility, and SmartWeave in blobspace

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The interoperability of WeaveVM and AO

The interoperability of WeaveVM and AO

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